Test Property |
EU: Azo Dye Analysis |
EU: Determination of Dimethyl Fumarate (DMFu) Content |
EU: Determination of Formaldehyde in Textiles |
EU: Flame Retardants (REACH) |
EU: Nickel Release |
EU: Nonylphenol Ethoxylates |
EU: Organostannic Compounds |
EU: Phthalate Content (4P) |
EU: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: PAHs |
EU: Restriction of PFOS & PFOA |
EU: Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffin (SCCP) Content |
EU: Total Cadmium Content |
EU: Total Lead Content |
EU: Toxics in Packaging |
EU: Care Labeling |
EU: Fiber Content Labeling |
EU: Fiber Composition |
EU: Entry 72: Aromatic Amines in Textiles |
EU: Entry 72: Arsenic compounds in Textiles |
EU: Entry 72: Benzene in Textiles |
EU: Entry 72: Cadmium and its compounds in Textiles |
EU: Entry 72: Chlorotoluenes in Textiles |
EU: Entry 72: Chromium VI and its compounds in Textiles |